Join our Trust

Join our Trust

Maiden Erlegh Trust is a growing community of schools with shared values of Aiming High, Being Inclusive and Working Together. A hallmark of our approach is our high ambition and aspiration for all our children and young people, and too the wonderfully talented staff who work with us. We firmly believe each school is a community for its local community, and we celebrate the diversity of each of our schools, putting children and young people at the heart of everything we do.

Each school community contributes to, and benefits from, being part of a larger organisation. Whether that is through deep collaboration and knowledge-sharing, or from financial and operational efficiencies that are gained by being part of a Trust of schools. As 'One Trust' we are stronger together and are keen to benefit from, and support, other like-minded schools.

Would you prefer to try before you join?

We would encourage you to engage in our partnership approach so that you can see how we work. Typically, these arrangements last for a year, after which we would look to formalise the partnership.

As a Trust Partner, you would benefit from:

  • Access to all Trust Network meetings
  • Access to our Annual CPD Conference for all staff
  • Reserved places on our range of Professional Development Programmes, facilitated by the Maiden Erlegh Institute
  • A 3-day School Peer Review
  • 1 day of INSET support provided by Trust Senior Leaders on topics of interest to you

If you would like to find out more, please contact our Chief Executive Officer, Jonathon Peck.