Congratulations to Laura Billingham and Becky Clarke who have been appointed to the senior team at River Academy

We look forward to welcoming Laura and Becky to the River Academy team and to working closely with them over the next few weeks, months and years as River Academy grows and develops. 

Laura Billingham, appointed Deputy Headteacher

Laura is currently at The Hurst School in Tadley and has a wealth of experience in leading curriculum development, subject leadership and teaching and learning. In a very strong field, Laura impressed everyone on the interview day with a combination of her technical knowledge, wide understanding of education and the current issues in this sector, her passion for the River Academy project and her positive personality.

A very warm welcome Laura 

Becky Clarke, appointed Assistant Headteacher

Becky comes to the River Academy project after over 8 years at Maiden Erlegh School in Reading where she has been SENCO and has performed the role with zest, zeal, and great aplomb at all times. Throughout the interview process Becky demonstrated her knowledge of all things SEND, her love of working with young people, her ability to lead change and get results.

Becky, we are delighted you are on Team River!