Maiden Erlegh School in Reading continues to be a 'GOOD' school!

Staff, students and governors of Maiden Erlegh School in Reading are celebrating the outcome of its recent OFSTED inspection (20-21 September), as it continues to be judged as a "good" school.

During the visit the inspectors thoroughly reviewed the quality of education at the school. This included discussions about the curriculum, lesson visits, reviews of student’s work and listening to the views of pupils and teachers. Inspectors also evaluated the effectiveness of safeguarding and to what extend the school has created an open and positive culture, reviewing processes and practice. The visit also broadly reviewed the behaviour and attitudes of pupils, support for their personal development and the quality of leadership within the school and support from the Maiden Erlegh Trust team.

The report praises high expectations for all pupils, including those with special educational needs (SEND) and/or disabilities and recognises that pupils rise to meet these expectations. It confirmed that the curriculum is ambitious, effectively adapted to the needs of pupils and carefully sequenced. The report also notes that the school prioritises the wider personal development of pupils and has a thoughtfully constructed programme delivered by well-trained staff team.

The full report can be found below.  It will also appear on the Ofsted website within the next few weeks. 

Statement from our Headteacher, Will Graham: "I am so proud of the staff and students, and I am delighted that the inspectors recognised the strength and the quality of education at MER, as well as the diverse and inclusive community that makes the school such a special place to work and learn."

Nick Jones, Chair of Trustees of Maiden Erlegh Trust, said: “This is another excellent result for the Trust which recognises the tremendous success of our hard working staff and students of Maiden Erlegh School in Reading. Thank you to Will Graham (Headteacher) and his brilliant team, thank you to our students for their diligence and determination and thank you to our Trust colleagues who play an important part in our schools.” 

Jonathon Peck, CEO of Maiden Erlegh Trust, said: “This extremely positive report is a testament to the hard work, dedication, and unwavering commitment of everyone at Maiden Erlegh in Reading to continue to develop and improve the quality of education and care for the students and families of the MER community.  The report highlights significant strengths in the school, and rightly so. Well done everyone.”