PRESS RELEASE: £158,000 invested in ICT infrastructure at Maiden Erlegh Chiltern Edge

Maiden Erlegh Trust are pleased to announce that the first phase of work to improve facilities at Maiden Erlegh Chiltern Edge is nearing completion.

Work to upgrade the ICT infrastructure at the school, has been taking place over the past few months and includes the provision of a new server room, new cabling, network infrastructure, servers and telephony system.

Jonathon Peck, Chief Financial and Operations Officer at Maiden Erlegh Trust said “The Trust has once again demonstrated its commitment to the students and staff at the school by making this significant investment. The upgrade of the ICT infrastructure is the first of a number of proposed improvements to the school site that are intended to make it a learning and working environment fit for the 21st century. We are committed to ensuring the facilities support the needs of students, staff and the local community for many years to come.

Moira Green, Headteacher at Maiden Erlegh Chiltern Edge said “These are very exciting times for the school and we are working closely with the Trust to implement our five year plan to improve the facilities for the benefit of students and the local community.

For further information about the school please visit